Gemini Discord Bot Logo

Welcome to Gemini Discord Bot

About the Bot

Gemini is a leading-edge Discord bot bringing the power of AI conversation to your server. It is capable of performing a wide range of tasks, such as responding to messages, handling attachments, generating images based on prompts, and even analyzing images! Built with the latest advancements in AI, Gemini is like no other bot you've seen before.

Developer Information

The Gemini Discord Bot is the brainchild of Impulse, a passionate developer who also goes by the nickname hihumanzone. His dedication to building sophisticated and user-friendly software has led to the creation of Gemini - a bot that is both powerful and easy to interact with.


Getting Started

To start using the Gemini Discord Bot in your server, visit the official GitHub repository for installation and setup instructions.

GitHub Repository

Join the Community

For support, discussions, and to become part of the community surrounding Gemini, join the Public Bot Hub on Discord. Click below to get an invite:

Join Public Bot Hub